Number | Title | Description |
PI202300235 | Filename can be set for merged template | The filename of a merge template can be set per template |
PI202300726 | Sort teams alphabetically | Teams will be shown alphabetically in select boxes |
PI202400135 | Update productregel reset price | When changing the amount in a product line with a change price, the price doesn’t fallback to the listprice. |
PI202400459 | Added code snippet block in email template | This code block provides a safe way of adding HTML / java script code to an email. |
PI202400665 | Selectbox to small | The width of the selectbox is adjusted to fit the content. |
PI202400673 | Issue with switcher menu on portal | The environment/portal switching menu is now displayed in the foreground allowing selection. |
PI202400727 | Optimze database connectivity | Optimzation of the database connection setting to improve stability |
PI202400741 | When completing an activity, the menu is not completly visible | Displaying the closing menu options on an activity is improved |
PI202400743 | Actions blocked by Maps integration | When a free Google maps account is out of credits is was causing action to be blocked. |
PI202400744 | Add PDF in E-invoice | In an E-invoice the invoice PDF is added as Base64 string in the XML file. |
PI202400746 | Notes not displayed correctly | When a relation has many linked notes the displaying incorrect. |
PI202400747 | Duplicate Notes and Attachment tabs in activities | The duplicated activity tabs for Notes and Attachment are solved |
PI202400775 | Database Maintenance | Tribe database systems are updated with the latest patches and features. |
PI202400783 | Webform URL generated in new ui not working | Webform URL generated in new ui contains an extra /, this / is removed |
PI202400786 | Additional option in send invoice | New option added ‘Email and generate invoice XML’ |
PI202400812 | Gmail Add-In not functioning | Fix bugs in Gmail addin logic linked to new UI version. |
PI202400829 | Fontsize not selectable | Selecting option for the fontsize in a text block is updated |
Release notes | September 17, 2024